Chris can create a beautiful ambiance for a loved one's memorial service. He is familiar with cathedral, church and chapel ceremonies. He can help you with the following:
- Choosing hymns for the congregation
- Selecting choral music for the ceremony
- Directing the choir, musicians and instruments best suited for the occasion
A list of delectable, well known hymns for your funeral. Hymn numbers from The New English Hynmal:-
331 Abide with me
459 The Lord’s my shepherd
252 The day thou gavest
436 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
237 Morning has broken
264 All things bright and beautiful
239 Lord of all hopefulness
339 Be thou my vision
353 Dear Lord and Father of mankind
354 Eternal Father, strong to save
328 God be in my head
368 Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
375 I danced in the morning
377 Immortal, invisible, God only wise
488 Jerusalem: And did those feet
393 Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead us
408 Love Divine, all loves excelling
413 Now thank we all our God
420 O Jesus, I have promised
435 Onward, Christian soldiers
440 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation
445 Rock of ages, cleft for me
92 There is a green hill far away
120 Thine be the glory
262 We plough the fields, and scatter
285 For the beauty of the earth
O Lord, my God
Old Rugged Cross: On a hill far away
Amazing Grace
Make me a channel of your peace
I watch the sunrise
GIve me joy in my heart
Shine Jesus, shine:Lord, the light of your love is shining
Recommended organ music for the service
Bach - Herzlich tut
Bach - Sinfonia from Cantata 156
Bach - Jesu, Joy
Bach - Liebster Jesu
Bach - Bist Du Bei Mir
Bach - All men are Mortal
Bach- Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste
Bach - Komm, Süsser Tod
Brahms - O welt from 11 Chorale Preludes (both versions)
Brahms - Herzlich Thut from 11 CP (both versions)
Brahms - Est ist ein ros’ entsprungen from 11 CP
Elgar - Nimrod
Fauré - Pie Jesu from ‘Requiem’
Franck - Panis Angelicus
Handel - Largo
Harris - Prelude in E flat
Holst - Jupiter from ‘The Planets’
Karg-Elert - O My Soul
Karg-Elert - ‘Nun Danket’
Karg-Elert: ‘O Gott, du frommer’
Mendelssohn - O rest in the Lord from ‘Elijah’
Rawsthorne - Elegy
Rawsthorne - Two verses on ‘Brother James’ Air’
Rawsthorne - Reverie
Rawsthorne - Chorale Prelude on ‘Abide with me’
Rawsthorne - Prelude on ‘Be Thou My Vision’
Rawsthorne - Aria
arr. Rawsthorne: Tallis - Prelude in The Phrygian Mode
Vierne - Berceuse